Cover Reveal: Alpha Enchanted (Haven City Series # 8)

I can't believe this is the eighth Haven City book! That's crazy! I have plans for the next two books involving Ari and Cage (yes, the healer finally gets some ^_^) and probably Max the hunter and a fox shifter, or maybe a bear. . . not sure on that yet. Any requests? Who needs some love in Haven City?

I haven't posted much this last month since I've been busy with several projects, mostly writing this book. *wipes brow* I'm almost done with Alpha Enchanted. I actually named the book as a joke to myself after Ella Enchanted, which is a great book, btw. But it sort of stuck and I have no clue what to call it otherwise. Plus, Quinn is enchanting and mysterious. Who wants to guess what kind of shifter he is?!?!

Anyway, here's the cover! It's Tyler, being pouty and tattooed. I'll post a manuscript Monday later this week, probably Wednesday or Thursday. Oh, and tomorrow, Omega in the Shadows will be free on Amazon, but I'll do a real post about that too. ^_^



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