Manuscript Monday Alpha Enchanted (Haven City Series #8): Sexy fun in the tattoo parlor
The verdict is in! According to my betas and my editor, the book doesn't suck and Quinn isn't too weird. *wipes brow* I hope everyone agrees with them.
I'm nearly done with the final edits, so it'll be ready for you guys by September 1st.
Also, in a few moments of free time on Sunday, I found this:
I'm nearly done with the final edits, so it'll be ready for you guys by September 1st.
Also, in a few moments of free time on Sunday, I found this:
By: Sakimichan
Damn, Link! He was my first video game crush. I'm talking Link's Awakening and Link to the Past, when he was a tiny 16-bit chibi with pink hair. *sigh* He's sure grown up. And he learned how to hover leaves to protect his nipples from pervs like me ogling them. ^_^
Here's what you've been waiting for, another peek at Tyler and Quinn. Quinn gets a tattoo, and things get sexy. Enjoy!
After Tyler finished and Mei left, he washed his hands and
glanced at Quinn. He was looking at Tyler’s sketches again. “We’ve got an hour
before that raccoon picks you up.”
“I know. What would you choose if you were me?” Quinn asked
and ran his long fingers over a black and white sketch of a dead tree covered
in crows.
“Not that,” Tyler said and felt his cheeks heat. He
remembered drawing that after Davis first got back to Haven. His brother
interrupted him at his old place and they got into a stupid fight. Mostly
because Davis didn’t understand that simply coming back to the city wasn’t a
free pass for forgiveness after all the shit he’d pulled over the years.
Quinn’s green-gold eyes caught him and held, so Tyler
skimmed the walls. He didn’t find one sketch that fit. “I don’t know. None of
these suit you. I’d have to draw something new.”
“Can you?” Quinn asked and smiled, somewhere between a grin
and a smirk.
Tyler nodded before he realized it, and grabbed the
sketchpad from the reception desk, mostly to stop the surge of warmth that
rushed to his balls at that expression. “Sure, but it might not be great. I
think you need something simple. Black ink. No color. Maybe something
His hand moved across the black piece of paper quickly. When
he finished, Tyler frowned at his handiwork.
“Is that a broken cage?” Quinn asked. He leaned so close
each beat of his heart pounded with Tyler’s, and the heat of his shoulder
pressed into the alpha’s body and warmed him further – not what he needed.
“Yeah. It’s stupid though. Never mind.”
Quinn touched the sketch and shook his head. “It’s not. I—I
like it. Where would you put it?”
Tyler took a sharp breath and looked at Quinn, the way his
lips were always just shy of a smile and the angular cut of his jaw – the
elegant strength in his neck and how his Adam’s apple begged to be touched.
His heart did that dumb fluttery thing. Shit.
“Uh, maybe your wrist or ankle. Bicep tats are popular,”
Tyler said and touched the taut flesh on Quinn’s exposed arm. He wore a gray
T-shirt today, slightly too small, but that just meant it hugged his body
Quinn leaned forward until his lips brushed Tyler’s ear.
“What about a little lower?”
Tyler blinked. “You don’t want a dick tattoo.”
Glass green eyes widened briefly, and Quinn let out a laugh
that sounded like music. “People do that?”
“Sometimes,” Tyler said with a shrug and fought not to
“Not there, but it needs to be someplace Bradley won’t see
it by accident.”
Tyler’s fingers twitched, and no matter how many times he
told himself that going past this line meant more than he wanted it to mean, he
still did it. Kissing a guy was one thing – willfully stroking his ass with the
intent to get his pants off was something else.
He always thought if
he were gay, he’d have figured it out by now. Hell, he’d known Ken his whole
life and that omega had always known he was gay. And he’d known Rory for the
past two years, but Tyler never wanted to fuck either of them, though there was
nothing wrong with them. Sure, there
was that one time a twink sucked him off in The Pit’s bathroom, but he was also
high as fuck on ecstasy and having anyone suck him off sounded like a great
idea at the time.
With Quinn it was totally different.
Now, he wasn’t drunk or high, and there wasn’t anything else
in the world he wanted to do more than kiss Quinn. And, shit, he’d spent most
of the last month not kissing Quinn, which now felt like the biggest waste of
time in the whole world.
He let his hand move, and it grazed Quinn’s ass – the
muscles tight. He stopped on Quinn’s slim hip. “How about here?”
Quinn’s body leaned into the touch and his eyes sparked. “I
like that idea.”
Tyler nodded. His mouth dried out before he could speak. He
licked his lips. “Get on the table and pull down your pants.”
He’d said those words more times than he could count, but
they never sounded like that– like he wanted nothing more than those pants to
come off and stay off.
It’s not like he could blame the ache in his groin on Mei
either. Tyler’d worked on her and never been aroused. Shit, he worked on plenty
of people without this happening. That meant it had to be Quinn.
Several minutes later, Tyler ended up on his stool looking
at the bare skin on Quinn’s delectable hip. It reminded him of how they’d first
met, and what Quinn’s bare chest looked like bruised.
Those marks had healed since.
Quinn settled on his back, the pale hair splayed around his
head. He’d unbuttoned the jeans so the hint of his pubes peaked out, and it was
obvious he wore no motherfucking underwear.
Tyler raised an eyebrow. “You always go commando?”
Quinn shrugged. “Bradley doesn’t buy me anything, and I’m
not going to wear his.”
Tyler snorted. “Can’t blame you.” Then he took a deep breath
and disinfected Quinn’s right hip, the spot just below the bone. “This’ll hurt
a little.”
“I’m sure I can handle it,” Quinn said, his voice held a
note of bitterness Tyler never noticed before, and it played havoc on his
emerging hard-on.
Quinn’s chest heaved, and his nipples hardened into tight
pink tips.
The needle made contact, but Quinn didn’t so much as move.
He took another shallow breath and let it out, and it felt like they were both
breathing the same air at the same time. He worked for a long time like that,
neither of them speaking, and it felt as natural as it always did.
“Full moon’s coming up next Monday,” Tyler said as the final
bar of the cage took shape on Quinn’s fair skin.
Quinn sighed. “I know. That means we can’t meet, doesn’t
“Do you still shift at the full moon or does the necklace
keep that from happening too?” Tyler asked and wiped the blood off before he
continued. It was as red as anyone else’s and smelled the same, but for the
hint of magic.
“I shift. They can’t prevent that. No one can,” Quinn said,
and his lips twisted into a smile that didn’t look anywhere near happy.
“I’d like to see it,” Tyler admitted and pricked the needle
back into Quinn’s skin.
Quinn started and shook his head. “You can’t – not yet.”
Tyler frowned and wiped off the last bit of blood before he
covered his handiwork lightly with gauze. “Who says I can’t? Are you going to
attack me?”
Quinn frowned. “No, but there’s a barrier around the house,
and it’s the only time of month I can use my magic so it’s not safe to see me
like that until our bargain is fulfilled.”
Outside someone honked on the street, but it sounded like it
was a million miles away.
Tyler removed his gloves and slid his palms tentatively up
Quinn’s thigh. “Would you hurt me?”
Quinn sucked in a breath and grabbed Tyler’s bicep, pulling
him closer. His eyes widened and a look of panic surrounded them. “Not on
“Will our bargain hurt me?” Tyler couldn’t look at Quinn’s
face because the reactions in his body were so incredible. Beneath the fabric
of the jeans, his cock hardened just like Tyler’s own, and he’d never wanted to
touch a dick so badly in his life.
“It. . . shouldn’t,”
Quinn breathed, and Tyler’s hands tightened on his thighs.
“Shouldn’t or won’t?”
Quinn’s gaze dropped. “I can’t say anymore than that.”
Tyler sucked in a breath through his nose, and all he
smelled was Quinn’s alluring scent. Quinn’s gaze held his. Then Quinn unzipped
his jeans, revealing his length, thick with veins and throbbing for attention.
Tyler’s lips quirked. “There’s a window right there, and the
door’s unlocked.”
“So lock it, and I’ll go behind the screen,” Quinn said and
leaned forward. He almost made it off the chair when Tyler grabbed him by the
chin and pulled him forward.
Their lips met, hard and hungry, and the heat of Quinn’s
mouth melted into Tyler’s own like that’s the only place it was meant to be. Ever. The alpha roared inside him –
fingers dug into Quinn’s hips, and their teeth bumped with a gentle clack.
Tyler didn’t bother mentioning that it was past an hour by
now, and Quinn was going to be late. Because Tyler wasn’t going to let him go
like this – not with his body begging for something that only Quinn could give.
The lust clouding his brain felt normal by now. It surrounded him whenever he
thought of Quinn.
“Am I under a fucking spell?” Tyler huffed and pulled back.
Quinn’s eyes widened, the hurt evident on his downturned
mouth, and he shook his head once. “No. I can’t
do that to you. If that’s what you think—”
It’s not what he thought. Dammit. What Tyler thought
might’ve been worse. The way his chest ached when Quinn wasn’t around—the
desire to see him happy—set him free. Not to mention the motherfucking desire
that singed his goddamn hands as they slid over Quinn’s unblemished flesh.
His heart was close to bursting with all those sensations
combined, and there was only one real
explanation for it.
He was in love with a shifter. A male shifter, who turned
into the moon only knew what.
And it didn’t faze him in the least.
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