NEW RELEASE! Also, it's been too long!

And now I'm back! From outer space! You just walked in to find me here....

Wait. I'm not the lover that left.

But I did vanish for a spell. I needed a break for a lot of reasons and kinda disappeared for a bit, but I feel better and I have a new book that I probably should have been pimping out over here but I didn't.

Here it is!

It's on Amazon and in KU. 

You can get it here.

Sorry I took such a long break, but I do plan to put out more books this year!


  1. You're alive! I was convinced that you'd died or something 😭

  2. Hi! It's been a long time. I was extremely delighted when I browsed your amazon page and found the new book a few days ago! (I've always checked your amazon page out every so often.) I read the Banished Prince at light speed and finished the book this morning. Please tell me the next book will be released soon! I want to know more about the huntsman. They are all adorable but I have a soft-spot for Alder!


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