M/M Month Author Interview: Jamie Lake

Remember back in July when I posted a link to an interview? Me neither. I mean, good! Well, now I'm interviewing the author who interviewed me! Here's Jamie Lake!

For those who aren’t familiar with the Bad Boy series, tell us about it.

It’s the story of a really hot teacher who becomes desperate for money when his hours are cut and the only choice he has is to moonlight as an erotic masseuse for men. The problem is, he has to keep is profession a secret from the school and it’s right when he meets the guy of his dreams, who happens to be not only one of his student’s dads but also a cop.

In Book 3 of Bad Boy, Peter’s roommate Anton is so obnoxious but I had no idea what happened to him would happen. Are you worried about the fans reactions?

No, I wanted the readers to be shocked and also, sometimes we just want annoying characters to go away. This was one way to do it that I think made Peter’s situation, which was already complex, even worse.

Chip seems almost like the perfect guy, it almost makes me wonder why he ends up with someone like Peter, who although he’s sweet too, has such a complicated life.  How did you manage to make both of them so appealing?

I think you can’t help fall in love with who you fall in love with. I say this, first hand. We all come with baggage, some more than others and I think in Peter, Chip sees right away that he’d make the perfect partner. He sees past all of Chip’s bullshit and the secrets he’s clearly hiding and sees who he could be if only with a little support from him.

Chip’s son Johnny is so cute and the fact that he starts out as Peter’s student was a nice twist. The thing I wondered about is that Chip is so open about his relationship and the fact that he loves men to with his son. Did you worry about that any?

I think a dream guy in the m/m world for me is someone who is totally comfortable with who he is. That’s Chip all the way. He’s a macho guy but he knows he’s gay and he doesn’t care if people don’t like it. He even says in the book that he’s very open with his son. I don’t think he wants Johnny to grow up ashamed of his son. Plus, if you look at the younger generation, no one really cares if someone is gay or not. That’s the world, I think that he hopes his son Johnny will grow up in.

You often write about very masculine men, rather than men that are more effeminate, why is that?

I personally am more attracted to masculine men than effeminate ones but there are some super hot effeminate ones too. Many of my readers are more into macho guys too, so I like to make them happy. There’s one series I wrote called Stay Always where the main character is more softer than than macho. So, you can be hot either way.

Where can we get a copy of Bad Boy? You can get it exclusively on Amazon.
