M/M Month Author Interview: Cameron D. James

Cameron D. James is a writer of both M/M erotic romance and M/M erotica. Cameron loves 

to write about hot sex, but is naturally drawn to the deeper emotion of love, so even his 

erotica short stories tend to have a romance element to them. You can find out more about 

Cameron and his books by visiting his website.

What was it like to have your first book, Autumn Fire, released?

That was... odd. A lot of people knew I was writing in the M/M genre, so when the official 

release date rolled around and my ebook was up for sale, there was a sense of joy and 

accomplishment. A few days after release, though, I was at a writing convention and 

was booked to do a live reading – this is where the dread set in. I soon learned that at 

this convention, I became known as the smut writer. (There were other erotica / erotic 

romance writers there, but I think because I had a sexy postcard floating around on the 

swag tables, my name began to precede me.) When the reading came around, I was in a 

small hotel room with two other authors who were reading, and about twenty women and 

men, crammed together, hanging on our every word.

Autumn Fire opens with an anonymous bathroom blowjob. It was... awkward... reading 

that scene aloud for the first time ever. I got over it pretty quick when attendees came up 

to me afterward with positive feedback, and a couple people asked me to sign the smutty 


Which of your works was the most fun to write?

Gaymer – definitely Gaymer. I was attending a local comic con and wrote a short story in 

honor of all the gay nerds out there. It was my first time writing through first person and 

I just went with it and had a blast writing the whole thing. The story centers around two 

college twinks playing some retro video games (specifically Super Mario Brothers 3 on the 

original Nintendo, but I was careful to avoid naming it) and the dirty things they get up to.

Perhaps because it focuses on a simple but fun game, the story line is fairly simple but fun. 

From what I’ve heard, readers have loved this one, especially with the twist at the end, 

but the downloads of this one lag quite a bit... perhaps because the cover model is fully 

clothed... I might need to find a naked gaymer for an updated cover. :)

Which was the most difficult to write?

I just released Going All The Way, the third volume in the Men In The Hot Room short story 

series, about the lust between an older yoga teacher and twink yoga student. I’ve found 

each of these stories (Go Deep, Go Deeper, and now Going All The Way) progressively harder 

to write. I think it’s because I’ve centered it around hot yoga... so I need to always get some 

yoga in there, some way or another, without it feeling forced. The first several drafts of 

Going All The Way didn’t even have yoga, rather just some discussion about yoga, but my 

editor helped me figure out how to put some yoga in there in a way that is both natural and 

oh-so-sexy. Once I got that in there, the process got a little bit easier.

What do you have coming up?

I’m trying to both publish a lot more short stories on a regular basis and also get cracking 

on a third novel. Starting in November, I’ll be releasing a series of five short stories under 

the banner Go-Go Boys of Club 21, which will explore the lives of three go-go boys in a gay 

club in New York City. It’ll be full of dancing, sex, and, of course, love.

Early in 2015, I’ll start writing my third erotic romance novel. It’ll be about a gay couple 

who have been together for years and are finding their sex lives fizzling out. In an attempt 

to rekindle some lust and add some spice to their sex lives, they decide to try a threesome. 

While they sex is hot, the fallout is disastrous.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to try writing this genre?

Easy! Three things! One – read, read, read, both a ton of books in the genre and a ton of 

books outside of it. Two – write, write, write, as you’ll never get anywhere if you don’t 

start writing. Three – edit, edit, edit, both self-editing and by hiring a professional to scour 

your work. Once all three are done, then you can look into submitting to a publisher or 

venturing into the world of self-pubbing.
