New Book Finished!

I just finished my latest book about twenty minutes ago. It feels great to type the last few sentences and close Word, take a deep breath and relax, if just for a moment.

What I thought would be one novel decided to be a trilogy instead. Yay!?!? I hope my dear readers like the story enough to want more of it. I'm enamored with Seth and Conner -- they're a joy to write and it's great to take the time to get to know them.

I'm really looking forward to this up-coming year because I have a lot of exciting stuff planned writing and release wise. Longer pieces are easier for me to write, and I have a whole new series/world (this book is the first) I want expand upon. My head is just overflowing with ideas for sexy wolves/shifters and their lovely mates!

I'll post a sneak peek of the book soon!
