Two New Titles: Taking Control Short: Dining out & Dark Passions: The Vampire's Embrace!

I've been more prolific of late, so I have two new stories to offer you! Some male/male bdsm and a little sensual paranormal fiction as well. Something for everyone!

The first is a short story based on the characters in my first erotic novella Taking Control. In this short Hiro and Maxwell eat out and have a little kinky fun while furthering their somewhat complicated relationship. 

Buy it here: 

Barnes and Noble
All Romance

Next up is a new story is the Dark Passions Series: The Vampire's Embrace. It's a direct sequel to The Vampire's Servant. This wraps up William and Isabel's personal tales- I have a more in-depth post about it coming later as well since the story didn't really go exactly as I had planned!

Buy it here: 

Barnes and Noble
All Romance
