Politicians Getting Up in My Porn!

Now, I don't feel like what I write is porn, exactly. I hope my work is titillating, but I also want there to be a story behind it (usually a love story, but some times it might just be a sexual awaking kind of story too). This is just a preface for the rest of my post, btw.

I do like to read erotica and erotic romance in many different forms. One form is yaoi/bara manga. It's basically male/male erotica/erotic romance (or porn, depending on the piece) in comic book form. Yaoi is generally written by women and for women, while bara is by men for gay men. The only difference I've noticed is yaoi has more pretty boys while bara has manly pretty men. What can I say. The visuals really help- especially if the guys are hot. I mean, I'm totally looking at this stuff for research purposes. Yeah. Research. . . .

Anyway, yesterday being Easter sunday, I did what any good girl would do and spent it looking at an obscene amount of porn. Actually, I looked at this yaoi manga (and all the other works by the same author). Like I said- research!

Now, there are ads on the side of the manga panels that change each time you click to a new page. The funny thing was, several of the ads were for the Obama campaign asking for money. It really made me wonder when politicians started posting ads on websites that (sorta) house porn? Do they have any control over where the ads end up or is it just random? Or is this part of Google's ad magic? 

So, needless to say, I found it kind of funny. On the one hand I'm thinking "Wow, that guy sure likes anal beads!" while out of the corner of my eye I see the first lady's smiling face. 

Surreal? Kinda. 

Any thoughts?
