Cover Reveal: Trent (Alpha's Reign Book Three)

Here's the first look at the cover for Trent (Alpha's Reign Book Three), the final book in the series!

It'll be out May 2, 2016.

Next week, I'll post a manuscript Monday with a snippet from the book.



  1. I have a weakness for guys with long/longish hair. I lost the ability to fuction for a few seconds after I opened this.

    1. Me too! I love long hair on guys, which is why I put it in my books. I think it's because of Duo Maxwell and Zechs from Gundam Wing. Or maybe even Vampire Hunter D, which is the first anime movie I ever saw. ^_^ (Sorry it took me so long to respond. I was moving!)

    2. Me too! I love long hair on guys, which is why I put it in my books. I think it's because of Duo Maxwell and Zechs from Gundam Wing. Or maybe even Vampire Hunter D, which is the first anime movie I ever saw. ^_^ (Sorry it took me so long to respond. I was moving!)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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