Cover Reveal: Hunter and Hunted (Darkvale Book One)

New book. New cover. New-ish series. Well, it's a spin-off of Broken Heroes since I realized I needed to introduce a few more characters, and their story was pretty interesting. Why not tell it?

Spence Bennett ran away from home right after he graduated high school. Life had to be better on the streets than dealing with his unloving parents and the secrets he keeps from them--the secrets that could put him in a lab. Then Hunter Westing saves Spence and reminds him that he isn't alone. Plus, the fact that Hunter's sexy (and kinky) as hell doesn't hurt either.

Also, mobsters and a mysterious vigilante join the fray.

It'll be out March 1st!

I'll post a manuscript Monday next week. Now, enjoy the cover!


  1. Oh, I like this cover. I get the feeling I'll like the book, too.


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