Lone Wolf Book 3: Dominate the Pack Cover Preview

The new Lone Wolf story Dominate the Pack should be out by tomorrow (May 24) or Friday (May 25). Here's a sneak peek at the cover and the blurb (I might change the blurb):

It’s time for Jake, a lone wolf, to join his mate’s pack as a ruling alpha. But two of the four pack members aren’t happy with his claim to rule. As Jake realizes how tightly his heart is connected to his lover’s, will he have the power to dominate the pack and take his place in their ranks with a steamy wolf pack ménage?

Not sure how happy I am with the blurb so far. I feel like it could be better so I'm gonna keep working on it. 

Also, I'm not really happy with the old Lust for Dominance cover so I made a new one:

So what do you think? Is it better than the other one
